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Animal Magnetism—Unmasked
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Animal Magnetism—Unmasked
BOOK, Paperback, 192 pages, published in 2004
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Description:“Animal magnetism” is a 19th century term that Mary Baker Eddy used to indicate the character and working of finite, mortal mind—what psychology calls the human psyche and consciousness. This complete exposition of the concept of “animal magnetism” is presented in three distinct parts. Part I begins with an in-depth history of mesmerism (hypnotism), psychology, and consciousness. Part II reviews the development and history of handling animal magnetism through studying the seven “Main Editions” of Science and Health. Part III reviews the scientific method of handling animal magnetism in Science and Health, the Bible (the Book of Joel), and through understanding spiritually scientific laws.
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The Bible in the Light of Christian Science, Volume I: Genesis
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The Bible in the Light of Christian Science, Volume I: Genesis
BOOK, Paperback, 124 pages, published in 1982
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Description:Over the centuries, the Bible has been studied bit by bit, but never as a coherent, structural whole. These bits have been interpreted from the standpoint of personal inspiration, beliefs, or theological dogma. In the late 1930s, John W. Doorly, CSB London,(1878–1950), Kappeler‘s teacher, laid the foundation for the discovery of the spiritual structure underlying the Bible through his deep study of the divine categories of God as presented in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Kappeler‘s series of four books on the Bible reveal the structure, symbolism, and Science of the Bible. Volume I: Genesis sets the seed plot for the entire Bible, based on the first record of creation, the second record of creation, and the seven 1000-year periods in biblical history. Genesis closes with the story of Joseph.
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The Bible in the Light of Christian Science, Volume II: Exodus
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The Bible in the Light of Christian Science, Volume II: Exodus
BOOK, Paperback, 90 pages, published in 1982
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Description:There is a definite spiritual structure underlying the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. This series of books, The Bible in the Light of Christian Science, Vols. I–IV, uncovers and illuminates this structure within the Bible. Vol. I: Genesis leads thought to the point of Joseph—the consciousness that recognizes that error (Egypt) must be handled. Vol. II: Exodus takes spiritual evolution further to show exactly how error must be analyzed, uncovered, and annihilated.
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The Bible in the Light of Christian Science, Volume III: Joshua, Judges
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The Bible in the Light of Christian Science, Volume III: Joshua, Judges
BOOK, Paperback, 210 pages, published in 1983
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Description:There is a definite spiritual structure underlying the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. This series of books, The Bible in the Light of Christian Science, Vols. I–IV, uncovers and illuminates this structure within the Bible. In Volume III, Joshua, Judges, Joshua’s journey from sense to Soul (wandering) is concluded. In Judges, we learn that God demands our adherence only to that which is divinely right.
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The Bible in the Light of Christian Science, Volume IV: I & II Samuel
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The Bible in the Light of Christian Science, Volume IV: I & II Samuel
BOOK, Paperback, 258 pages, published in 1985
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Description:There is a definite spiritual structure underlying the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. This series of books, The Bible in the Light of Christian Science, Vol. I–IV, uncovers and illuminates this structure within the Bible. Volume IV: I & II Samuel shows how prophecy develops into right government and a sense of true manhood.
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The Christ-idea
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The Christ-idea
BOOK, Paperback, 31 pages, published in 2002
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Description:In this book, Kappeler discusses how Mrs. Eddy depicts the Christ-idea—the self-operating, divine laws of Life, Truth, and Love—in the “Scientific Translation of Immortal Mind†(S&H 115:12–18) and the “Scientific Translation of Mortal Mind†(S&H 115:19–116:3). It is not we who must, or can, bring the right idea into expression—the Christ-idea works for us. Instead of personally trying to put the universe right, we look away from any human conception toward the immensity of the divine Mind, and accept that its omnipotence is working out everything for us and for the universe according to its divine plan. This will bring to light, even in human experience, the maximum of spiritual good.
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Christian Government—Its Scientific Evolution
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Christian Government—Its Scientific Evolution
BOOK, Paperback, 106 pages, published in 1991
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Description:Law constitutes government—a correct understanding of divine law is necessary in order to demonstrate true government. Divine law is not created by people, but God; the divine Principle of being is the lawmaker and lawgiver. For Christian Scientists, this book has turned them toward a spiritually scientific study of the Manual of the Mother Church. Such a study reveals that the Manual contains deep laws that stand behind the self-evolution of scientific spiritual understanding. The first edition of this book was published in 1946, and was the “spring board” for Kappeler‘s life work on the structure of Being/being and its laws.
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The Christian Science Textbook: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy—Our way of life and our teacher
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The Christian Science Textbook: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy—Our way of life and our teacher
BOOK, Booklet, 18 pages, published in 1998
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Description:This booklet shows the irrefutable order of “the way of Life.” When surveying the spiritual evolution from Chapter I “Prayer” to Chapter XVI “The Apocalypse,” one is deeply impressed by the overwhelming fact that in the search for truth, Science and Health leads us in an ordered way. As we learn how to understand the structural relationships within the framework of the Textbook, the more clearly we see that, along with the Bible, it is our most reliable teacher.
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Christian Science in the World of Today and Tomorrow
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Christian Science in the World of Today and Tomorrow
BOOK, Booklet, 23 pages, published in 2005
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Description:This booklet shows how that, unlike development and unfoldment, evolution brings mutations—new breakthroughs that do not obey the law of causality, where cause determines effect in a step-by-step manner. Christian Science is (r)evolutionary in its very nature. In Christian Science, the method of allowing the Christ-idea to completely change our consciousness proves to be the only way of achieving true spiritual progress.
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Complete Compendium for the Study of Christian Science
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Complete Compendium for the Study of Christian Science
BOOK, Spiral bound, 526 pages, published in 2012
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Description:Mary Baker Eddy (discoverer and founder of Christian Science) said that upon the 7 synonymous terms for God rests the Science of Being. We must learn the divine meaning of Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love. Building upon the work of his teacher, John W. Doorly, Max Kappeler presents the ideas—or characteristics—of each of the 7 synonyms as defined in Science and Health. The Complete Compendium is a must-study for every sincere student of Science; it is a basic primer.
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The Development of the Christian Science Idea and Practice
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The Development of the Christian Science Idea and Practice
BOOK, Paperback, 96 pages, published in 1970
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Description:As a short survey of this subject, this book follows the correlation between the developing understanding of Christian Science and the evolving sense of practice. It follows the emergence of the idea of Christian Science, the steps of Mary Baker Eddy’s own spiritual development, and the evolving understanding emerging from the work of pioneering thinkers in Christian Science. For anyone interested in investigating the issue of spiritual healing, this book is invaluable, for it clearly explains the difference between mind/faith healing and healing through the Science of Being.
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The Dissolving of Duality as Presented in the 16th Chapter of the Christian Science Textbook ('The Apocalypse')
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The Dissolving of Duality as Presented in the 16th Chapter of the Christian Science Textbook (‘The Apocalypse’)
BOOK, Booklet, 16 pages, published in 1996
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Description:This booklet presents an analysis of the specific claim of duality and its final dissolution. It takes the question – Is being material, spiritual, or both? through the 4-fold operation of being (Word, Christ, Christianity, Science) on each of the 4 levels of spiritual consciousness (Science itself, divine Science, absolute Christian Science, Christian Science). An advanced treatment of this subject.
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The Epistles in the Light of Christian Science
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The Epistles in the Light of Christian Science
BOOK, Hardbound, 253 pages, published in 1962
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Description:One of the essential premises for a scientific approach to God is that there are spiritual laws of being, and that these laws are structured and unfold to us in an ordered way. This book shows us that within each Epistle there is a spiritually ordered layout that defines spiritual laws. The Epistles define the Christianity-matrix. The Epistles teach Christianity in its full sense, namely, as the reciprocal relationship of man to the grace of God (Word), the glory of Christ (Christ), the idea of man’s perfection (Christianity), and the Science of man (Science). Furthermore, they bring out the great spiritual mutation that must take place in consciousness, bringing salvation through faith in grace and not only through “the works†of the Old Testament laws. This book elucidates the underlying eternal self-evolving laws of Principle, God. It is a clear and logical presentation of the laws that lie behind true Christianity, revealing the timeless availability and applicability of their messages.
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Epitomes for the Spiritually Structured Interpretation of the Christian Science Textbook
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Epitomes for the Spiritually Structured Interpretation of the Christian Science Textbook
BOOK, Hardbound, 110 pages, published in 1982
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Description:Anyone who strives to understand either the Bible or Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, faces the challenge of reducing thousands of words to the simplicity of divine categories. To this end, one important tool for scientific text-interpretation is the method of working with epitomes based on the 3 fundamental categories of Being. Through the structure of divine categories, we can discern the basic spiritual laws taught in the Textbook. The ultimate discernment of universal, spiritual laws underlying a text is one of the greatest values in interpreting the Bible and Science and Health through the categories of God, divine Being. This book is a companion to Kappeler‘s book The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life: Vol. I: Revelation of the Structure.
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Evolution—Material or Spiritual?
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Evolution—Material or Spiritual?
BOOK, Booklet, 23 pages, published in 1986
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Description:In his book Human Destiny, Pierre Lecomte du No ü y put forward a revolutionary theory regarding the evolution of life—a theory that resulted from his life-long research in the field of natural science. In this booklet, Kappeler summarizes du Noüy‘s theory of evolution in the light of the Science of Christian Science. du Noüy explained evolution through seven distinct stages. Kappeler shows that these seven stages are the result of the impact of the 7-fold nature of God as: Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love (see S&H 465:10).
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The Four Levels of Spiritual Consciousness
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The Four Levels of Spiritual Consciousness
BOOK, Hardbound, 198 pages, published in 1970
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Description:This book is an in-depth look at the Model of Being—the “Chartâ€â€”that shows the interrelationship between the 7 synonyms for God, the 4-fold operation of Being, and the 4 levels of spiritual consciousness (7+4+4 = the divine system of reference). With these 15 “root notions,†the dimensional range of spiritual Being can be symbolized and understood. Being can be understood only through dimensional logic, and learning to reason from each of the 4 levels of consciousness will clarify the apparent contradictions and paradoxes that arise in the study of the Bible and Science and Health. This book is one of Kappeler‘s foundational texts in the study of the Science of Christian Science, and should be undertaken after a good grounding in the tonality of the 7 synonyms.
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From the Physical, Through the Mental, To the Spiritual
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From the Physical, Through the Mental, To the Spiritual
BOOK, Paperback, 273 pages, published in 2012
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Description:This manual, which comprises the works of Max Kappeler, describes our individual and collective journey from the physical, through the mental, to the spiritual standpoint – Love's goal for mankind. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the Science of Being, and is an excellent starting point for those new to Kappeler's work. It also serves the long-time student of Science by providing study questions and exercises that foster a deeper understanding of the subject. Students will find the chapters on the Model of Being and the Age of Love (2000-3000 A.D.) especially helpful and timely.
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He Shall Never See Death (St. John 8:51)
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He Shall Never See Death (St. John 8:51)
BOOK, Booklet, 21 pages, published in 2003
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Description:To resolve the question of death, the Science of Life compels us to turn to God, to Life itself. To begin, we turn to Science and Health and study the references to Life. This booklet presents a spiritually logical exposition of deathless Life as defined by what the 7 synonymous terms for God say about Life in the Textbook on pages 426:23–430:12.
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The Imperative Step
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The Imperative Step
BOOK, Paperback, 113 pages, published in 1972
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Description:This book discusses how a new spiritual standpoint is breaking in on world consciousness. It shows that mankind is being moved from the standpoint of isolated human thinking, the human “i,” toward the comprehensive consciousness of the divine Mind, the “I AM.” This is seen as the “step” from metaphysics to Science in the light of Christian Science. Who or what is impelling mankind forward? Mary Baker Eddy, in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, states: “Eternal Truth is changing the universe. As mortals drop off their mental swaddling-clothes, thought expands into expression” (S&H 255:1). The purpose of this book is to present the Christ Science, or divine laws of Life, Truth, and Love, that are behind the imperative step happening today.
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Introduction to the Science of Christian Science
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Introduction to the Science of Christian Science
BOOK, Hardbound, 169 pages, published in 1978
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Description:The aim of the book is to provide a general introduction to the scientific fundamentals of Christian Science, and to show how they are applied as an efficient scientific method for resolving problems. This book presents the universal Life-principle that provides the solutions to all of life‘s problems: the four basic prime factors governing the whole of being. Everything going on within being operates in accordance with these.
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The Law of the Self-evolution of Scientific Spiritual Understanding
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The Law of the Self-evolution of Scientific Spiritual Understanding
BOOK, Paperback, 104 pages, published in 2000
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Description:How do we, as individuals, progress from belief, to faith, to scientific understanding in our study of the Science of God? This book uncovers the divine law of self-evolution behind our step-by-step individual journey toward spiritual understanding. It shows how our understanding and demonstration of true man evolves spiritually and scientifically through the order of the 7 synonyms for God and the structure of Science and Health to achieve an insight into the universal laws of Being.
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Logical Reasoning in Christian Science
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Logical Reasoning in Christian Science
BOOK, Booklet, 28 pages, published in 1980
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Description:The Bible and Science and Health can often seem to be contradictory and paradoxical. This is because we tend to read them with the classical two-valued logic or orthodox thinking, not the one-valued, infinite logic that allows us to see their consistency. Fundamentally, the entire message of Science and Health is oriented toward leading us to the realization that all discord is merely the consequence of incorrect reasoning and that the error that arises from this false logic must be corrected by divine logic. Reasoning in the Science and logic of Christian Science is not just an intellectual game. The dimensionalism of Christianly scientific logic makes it possible for all questions posed at the different levels of consciousness to find their respectively spiritually logical answers.
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Man: The Thinker—or the Thought?
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Man: The Thinker—or the Thought?
BOOK, Booklet, 5 pages, published in 1972
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Description:Where does thinking come from? The German philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) said: “We do not arrive at thoughts. They come to us.” In the light of Christian Science, we see that divine Mind “sends” exalted thoughts to us. In a similar vein, Professor Max Born (1882–1970), Nobel prize winner for physics, said: “I believe that science is an institution that progresses irresistibly, and that it is useless for a few people to try to force the development into another direction.” It seems apparent that it is the idea of science—and not the scientist—that plans the course of science.
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Metaphysics and Science in Christian Science
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Metaphysics and Science in Christian Science
BOOK, Booklet, 36 pages, published in 1985
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Description:Divine metaphysics proceeds from a basis entirely separate from human thinking. The Textbook states that, whereas ordinary metaphysics is based on “a law of mortal mind” (S&H 154:4), “God is the Principle of divine metaphysics” (S&H 112:32, also 111:11). “Divine metaphysics…shows clearly that all is Mind, and that Mind is God” (S&H 275:20). Therefore, divine metaphysics alone can bring the solution to the human mind, removing the false effects by correcting the false cause. In the light of the Science of Christian Science, we see that: “Metaphysics [meaning the metaphysics of Christian Science] involves the contemplation of ideas, whereas Science involves the contemplation of the infinite One, forever including within itself its own ideas” (see John W. Doorly, Oxford Summer School Talks, 1949, Vol. II, p. 132).
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The Minor Prophets in the Light of Christian Science
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The Minor Prophets in the Light of Christian Science
BOOK, Hardbound, 214 pages, published in 1962
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Description:One of the essential premises for a scientific approach to God is that there are spiritual laws of being, and that these laws are structured and unfold to us in an ordered way. This book shows us that within each prophetic book of the Bible there is a spiritually ordered layout. Each prophet announces the Christ-operation through a different aspect—the 12 Minor Prophets and the 4 Major Prophets describe the 16 different offices of the Christ, which, when presented in a 4×4 Christ-matrix, form a coherent, divinely structured whole. These scientific orders give rise to spiritual laws, revealing the timeless messages of the prophets, fully practical for our age.
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The Necessary Change of Standpoint
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The Necessary Change of Standpoint
BOOK, Booklet, 13 pages, published in 2009
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Description:Christian Science teaches that there is only one true Being, and that by identifying ourselves with the one Being, we can consciously experience it in our lives. But this is an enormous task. To willingly give up everything that does not coincide with Being is a long process. This booklet outlines the steps and changes necessary for us to leave behind the old structures of consciousness and adopt a purely spiritual structure of consciousness.
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Notes on Handling Evil with References from the Work of Mary Baker Eddy
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Notes on Handling Evil with References from the Work of Mary Baker Eddy
BOOK, Spiral bound, 35 pages, published in 2002
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Description:Some will say that it is not necessary to handle evil. However, those schooled in Science understand the necessity of handling evil in everyday life experiences. It was “wisdom” that bade Moses to handle evil, and this process became a “staff” to him (see S&H 321:8–18). Max Kappeler‘s epitomes assist students in their work on the subject of “handling evil.” Excellent references are cited from the Bible and Science and Health.
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The One Man
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The One Man
BOOK, Booklet, 22 pages, published in 1980
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Description:Man is the compound idea of God, including all right ideas (see S&H 475:14). The one real man is the combination of all of God’s ideas, that is to say, all the ideas of Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love. This compound idea of God is also called generic man. Man is “the generic term for all that reflects God’s image and likeness” (S&H 475:15) and “God is one. The allness of Deity is … [its] oneness. Generically man is one, and specifically man means all men” (S&H 267:5).
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Only Science Reveals
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Only Science Reveals
BOOK, Booklet, 25 pages, published in 1983
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Description:This booklet shows that only divine Principle, God, can interpret the universe, based on its own inherent divine categories (7+4+4). The answer to our most fundamental questions of being is shown to be answered in the first part of “Genesis” in the Bible, in the light of the 4 levels of Science.
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The Ordered Approach to the One Being
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The Ordered Approach to the One Being
BOOK, Booklet, 26 pages, published in 1989
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Description:This book presents the 8 ordered steps to finding our oneness with Being. It shows how we evolve out of manifold beliefs of duality to the awareness that there is only God’s consciousness of itself. It shows the steps that lead us away from a personal “I” to the consciousness of the “I AM THAT I AM” (Ex. 3:14), and how this I AM translates itself down to “our” thoughts and life experience. This is an important step in culturing “the spirit” of Christian Science.
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The Pioneer of Truth is Blessed
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The Pioneer of Truth is Blessed
BOOK, Booklet, 6 pages, published in 1977
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Description:Max Kappeler points out that in “The Revelation of St. John” (Rev. 12), the “woman clothed with the sun,” was “with child” and the great red dragon “stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.” In Science and Health we read: “From the beginning to the end, the serpent pursues with hatred the spiritual idea” (564:29). This booklet shows that the best protection for a spiritual idea lies in taking it back to its divine origin—embedded in its divine Principle, Love. Then animal magnetism can touch it no more.
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The Psychology of Spirit
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The Psychology of Spirit
BOOK, Booklet, 19 pages, published in 1981
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Description:This booklet contrasts the psychology of Spirit, God (see S&H 369:25) with the psychology of human thinking. It uncovers the extent to which we let ourselves be influenced by the general mental atmosphere. The spiritual method of mental self-knowledge enables us to maintain a divinely correct concept of what constitutes our true self and our relationships. We learn to discover who we are as defined by God’s nature as Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love (see S&H 465:10). We learn to stop regarding ourselves and our families according to our human nature as mortal mind (ignorance), good and evil, sin and egotism, personal sense and dishonesty, lack, sickness, fear, and hate. Ordinary psychology and psychotherapy work with material psychophysical (material-mental) means. Often “human conversation” stands in the center of treatment. This mental process is not the method of the psychology of Spirit. In addition, the paragraph “Anatomy defined” is analyzed (see 462:20–463:4).
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Quo vadis? Where are you going, Christian Scientist?
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Quo vadis? Where are you going, Christian Scientist?
BOOK, Paperback, 27 pages, published in 2003
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Description:This book provides a provocative and lively discussion of the problems facing The Mother Church (Boston) today, and the solutions given from the standpoint of Science. The important questions are: What is the cause of this crisis, and can we continue to consider the idea of Christian Science in the same way? This book challenges the reader to consider Christian Science as a Science, and not merely as a religion, and shows what Mrs. Eddy meant when she said that “Science…is revolutionary in its very nature†(Mis. 99:1).
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The Science of Prayer
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The Science of Prayer
BOOK, Paperback, 64 pages, published in 2003
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Description:This book contains the full text of two previously published booklets by Max Kappeler, The Spiritual Principle of Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer—Its Scientific Interpretation. Part I presents the spiritual nature and purpose of prayer in the light of Science. Part II looks at the spiritually scientific structure behind both the Lord’s Prayer and the chapter “Prayer” in Science and Health. As we ponder the principles in this book, we develop a full and deep spiritual consciousness that matures into a constant prayerful attitude within ourselves.
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The Science of the Oneness of Being in the Christian Science Textbook
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The Science of the Oneness of Being in the Christian Science Textbook
BOOK, Hardbound, 274 pages, published in 1983
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Description:This book shows how Christian Science finally resolves the question of oneness and duality. The question of oneness has occupied humanity from earliest times. The Bible repeatedly asks: Is there only one God or many gods? The Greeks tried to trace the multiplicity of phenomena back to one primary principle. Through Science, however, we see how the One becomes the many (infinitely individualized) yet still remains the One. In Science and Health, the first 16 chapters reveal 16 fundamental laws that uncover 16 root-beliefs of duality and establish the true oneness of being.
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Scientific Obstetrics (S&H p. 463)
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Scientific Obstetrics (S&H p. 463)
BOOK, Booklet, 17 pages, published in 1978
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Description:This booklet provides an in-depth analysis of the spiritual structure behind the text of “Scientific Obstetrics” (S&H 463:5–20). If we acquaint ourselves with the spiritually scientific method of being reborn as the idea of divine Science, then we solve for ourselves the question of human birth and solve the question of death.
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The Seven Synonymous Terms for God Meet the World's Need for a New System of Reference
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The Seven Synonymous Terms for God Meet the World’s Need for a New System of Reference
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Description:Christian Science gives a place value for all three viewpoints of reality—the physical, the mental, and the spiritual—when answering the question: What is reality? Christian Science helps us understand the claims of each of these three viewpoints, and shows us logically and scientifically how our consciousness needs to move from one viewpoint to the next, in a natural stepwise manner, until it reaches the ultimate standpoint of spiritual reality itself.
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The Seven Synonyms for God
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The Seven Synonyms for God
BOOK, Hardbound, 361 pages, published in 1984
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Description:In the Christian Science textbook, God is defined as Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, andLove: the 7 synonyms for God (see S&H 465:8–15). A thorough understanding of this 7-fold nature of God is central to understanding the Science of Being. This book offers a comprehensive account of the 7 synonyms—including their history, their individual tonality, and how their 7-fold nature operates dimensionally on every level of spiritual consciousness. Through the scientific method of synonym research explained in this book, we gain a divinely objective understanding of God.
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The Spiritual Breakthrough to the Next Millennium
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The Spiritual Breakthrough to the Next Millennium
BOOK, Paperback, 85 pages, published in 1986
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Description:The future of mankind rests entirely with the development of spiritual consciousness. This timely book shows the ordered development of spiritual consciousness through the seven 1000-year periods in biblical history, which stretch from 4000 BC to 2000 AD and onwards. It also explains the important place-value of Science and Health in the light of the 1000-year periods. Each successive period in spiritual history demands a higher form of understanding and method of practice. As the great tone of the seventh 1000-year period crystallizes and takes form in consciousness, we find that a new and higher life experience is urging itself upon us during this critical period.
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Stately Science Pauses Not (Mary Baker Eddy)
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Stately Science Pauses Not (Mary Baker Eddy)
BOOK, Booklet, 49 pages, published in 1995
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Description:This booklet explains that the impulsion of the divine idea has evolved scientifically. After Mary Baker Eddy left us, John W. Doorly, CSB, of London, England (1878–1950), was the first to pursue deeply the question of what Christian Science means as a Science. Dr. Max Kappeler of Z?rich, Switzerland (1910–2002), a pupil of John Doorly, expounded upon Doorly’s work and, among many discoveries, revealed the scientific structure of Science and Health. Both Doorly and Kappeler showed that Mary Baker Eddy must be acknowledged as a Scientist who was far in advance of her era. Mrs. Eddy’s concept of Science incorporated such advanced concepts as structuralism, dimensionalism, holism, one-valued logic, gestalt-theory, general systems theory, and divine cybernetics.
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A Statement by John W. Doorly
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A Statement by John W. Doorly
BOOK, Booklet, 61 pages, published in 1981
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Description:Every consecrated student of the Science of Christian Science must be aware of the evolution of the pure Science as it was discovered by John W. Doorly, CSB, after Mary Baker Eddy left us. This booklet presents the background that led to Doorly’s excommunication from The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist (Boston, MA). It was circulated in 1945 to every practitioner listed in the Christian Science Journal. It consists of: (1) An introduction to the situation. (2) Doorly’s understanding at that time of Mary Baker Eddy’s statement “Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system” (S&H 146:31), which led him to ask: Is Christian Science both Christian and scientific? (3) Extracts from correspondence exchanged between Doorly and the Christian Science Board of Directors in Boston and the Ninth Church of Christ, Scientist, London. (4) The conclusion of the correspondence (which was sent out later), is also incorporated in this booklet. This document was designed to allow all Christian Scientists to consider the events that led up to Doorly’s excommunication, and to learn of his work in the pure Science of Christian Science.
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The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life, Vol. I, Revelation of the Structure
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The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life, Vol. I, Revelation of the Structure
BOOK, Hardbound, 204 pages, published in 1954
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Description:This book is revolutionary. It reveals a coherent, ordered Science and system of divine laws underlying Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. This order follows in an uninterrupted sequence, from Chapter I, “Prayer,” through Chapter XVI, “The Apocalypse.” The structure of Being establishes itself as the structure of the Textbook—as it does for all revealed texts, including the Bible. The more one understands the Textbook through its divinely scientific, spiritual structure, the more the structure of Being becomes the structure of our consciousness and being. The order of the chapters becomes our way of life and our teacher.
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A Study Aid for the Science of Christian Science (revised edition)
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A Study Aid for the Science of Christian Science (revised edition)
BOOK, Spiral bound, 179 pages, published in 1984 & 2020
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Description:This newly revised edition is an invaluable aid to those who are studying Kappeler‘s writings and recordings in depth. It is comprised of updated and clarified diagrams, chapter lead-ins that offer an educational overview of each topic, and illustrative materials cross-referenced to Max Kappeler‘s audio-classes and books. It is an indispensable companion in the study of the Science of Christian Science. Experience has shown that visual aids, especially in the form of charts and diagrams, are highly supportive of a structural understanding of the subject. This revised edition will aid you in your journey from sense to soul.
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Taking Responsibility for the Idea
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Taking Responsibility for the Idea
BOOK, Booklet, 4 pages, published in 1993
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Description:We may ask: Can the idea of Christian Science ever be lost? Kappeler answers this question with a “no and yes”! No, it cannot be lost from the standpoint of Principle, God. However, from the standpoint of the human mind this claim must be handled, or the idea could be lost to mortal mind—i.e. to mortals. This is what happened soon after the spread of Christianity, and it took hundreds of years for the idea of true Christianity to be rediscovered. Mary Baker Eddy, in her article “Principle and Practice,” declared: “Christian Science is not a faith-cure, and unless human faith be distinguished from scientific healing, Christian Science will again be lost from the practice of religion as it was soon after the period of our great Master?s scientific teaching and practice.” Our responsibility is to understand the Science of God, not just believe in it.
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This Lie Called Evil
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This Lie Called Evil
BOOK, Paperback, 124 pages, published in 1983
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Description:This book shows a systematic analysis of evil through the three categories of Science—the 7 synonymous terms for God, the 4-fold operation of God, and the 4 levels of Science. Evil is seen as a misunderstanding about God, and not a thing or entity itself. The resolution of evil, therefore, involves understanding God through Science, rather than “fighting” the phenomena of evil as they appear in our individual and collective experience. This method was presented by Mary Baker Eddy in her Textbook, and researched and taught by John W. Doorly and Max Kappeler in their work on the Science of Christian Science.
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Truth and Scientific Truth
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Truth and Scientific Truth
BOOK, Booklet, 21 pages, published in 1993
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Description:Mankind is always searching for Truth, but we must understand the difference between a “truth” and a “scientific truth.” A scientific truth requires an understanding of its context within the whole, whereas a truth is considered only as an isolated fact (not in the context of the whole field of knowledge). For example: a truth stated in Science and Health has no spiritual impact on our lives unless it is seen in the context of the entire structure of the Textbook’s 16 chapters.
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What is the Science of Being?
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What is the Science of Being?
BOOK, Booklet, 25 pages, published in 2005
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Description:This booklet broadly outlines the Science that produces solutions to our life’s problems. When we think about being, we find there are four fundamentally important questions to be answered: (1) What is reality? (2) How can I consciously become one with reality? (3) How can I apply these methods in practical everyday life? (4) How can I learn the method by which I can accept my oneness with the reality of being? When we consciously unite with the nature and essence of spiritual reality, we touch a power far greater than any other known to man.
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When I Think of John W. Doorly I: “Scientific Obstetrics”
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When I Think of John W. Doorly I: “Scientific Obstetrics”
BOOK, Booklet, 15 pages, published in 1994
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Description:What is the spiritual meaning of “scientific obstetrics” (S&H 463:5–20)? Scientific obstetrics is often misunderstood as referring to the birth of a human baby. John W. Doorly was well aware of its deeper spiritual meaning, and during the years before WWI, he was already putting great emphasis on obstetrics. It describes the birth or revelation of a new spiritual idea in human consciousness.
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When I Think of John W. Doorly II: Introduction to the Matrix Consciousness
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When I Think of John W. Doorly II: Introduction to the Matrix Consciousness
BOOK, Paperback, 14 pages, published in 2002
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Description:Max Kappeler‘s teacher, John W. Doorly, CSB (London), discovered the fundamental system of the Science contained within the Bible and Science and Health. This system consists of the 7 synonymous terms for God, the 4-fold operation of God, and the 4 levels of spiritual consciousness. In this book, Kappeler explains how Doorly showed the operational interrelationships between the 7 synonyms and the 4-fold operation, thus presenting the fundamental “fourfold divine calculus” inherent in Being in a matrix form. The word matrix is derived from Latin and is defined as “a place within which something originates, takes form, or develops.” (Webster’s Dictionary).
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Why Study Christian Science as a Science?
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Why Study Christian Science as a Science?
BOOK, Booklet, 35 pages, published in 1994
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Description:There is a strong tendency to take Christian Science merely as a religion, though a comforting and reassuring one. But the very essence of Christian Science, as its name indicates, is Science—a Science concerned with God, the divine Being. Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science’s discoverer and founder) emphasized the fact that her discovery was the Science of God, consequently, she capitalized the term Science. She states: “In the year 1866, I discovered the Christ Science or divine laws of Life, Truth, and Love, and named my discovery Christian Science” (S&H 107:1).
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