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Moments: Lifting

Max Kappeler’s Teaching Moments


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Kappeler Institute USA


Lifting human consciousness


“Lulled by stupefying illusions, the world is asleep in the cradle of infancy, dreaming away the hours. Material sense does not unfold the facts of existence; but spiritual sense lifts human consciousness into eternal Truth” (S&H 95:28-32).

The Goal of the Kappeler Institute USA

The goal and purpose of Max Kappeler’s work is to lift human consciousness into eternal Truth. Kappeler’s works are based entirely on the Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy.

Max chose the Kappeler Institute for the Science of Being USA to promote and disseminate his works in English on into the future. The Kappeler Institute USA has devoted itself to Max’s goal of carrying the idea forward and we have done this by offering his classes, books, and illustrative materials on our website—free of charge—world-wide:

The Kappeler Institute USA has spent the past 25 years

  • transferring all of Kappeler’s published books into digital form
  • digitizing and “audio-engineering” 1500+ hours of Kappeler’s recorded classes
  • editing Max’s unpublished transcripts for future publication
  • presenting Max’s work in the quarterly Kappeler Teaching Moments
  • preserving Max’s work for current students and future generations of Kappeler students to enjoy on the website
    of the Kappeler Institute for the Science of Being USA.

What’s New: Historic Video of Kappeler’s Classes

We are now working with a technician who is digitizing and engineering Max Kappeler’s original English-language video class recordings. Kappeler’s classes in English have never been offered for sale or advertised on our website. We are introducing and preserving Kappeler’s video classes for historical value and keeping his legacy alive.


Max Kappeler giving a talk
“The Spiritual Challenge of Today,” 1983, Wilmington, DE


Dear friends,

We have been working through our video archives of lectures by Max Kappeler, and we decided it would be nice to give everyone a chance to see and hear Max explaining his insights and ideas in his own voice.

What a delight to feel like Max is explaining things directly to you! These videos were made 40 years ago, in the days of VHS magnetic video tape, and although they looked good at the time, by today’s Digital HD standards, they show their age. Their content, however still remains relevant forty years later.

We have digitized and restored a few of these videos, which is a more time-consuming labor of love than one would expect. Still, it is our hope to be able to expand the project, and add more videos, but for now we thought you would enjoy a sneak preview of Max’s lecture, “The Spiritual Challenge of Today” available in a new section of our website:

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