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The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook

X-29 — The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life, Vol. I: Revelation of the Structure (audiobook)
X-30 — All 3 Kappeler Audiobooks: X-27, 28, 29
The Christian Science Textbook: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy—Our way of life and our teacher
Epitomes for the Spiritually Structured Interpretation of the Christian Science Textbook
The Science of the Oneness of Being in the Christian Science Textbook
Stately Science Pauses Not (Mary Baker Eddy)
The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life, Vol. I, Revelation of the Structure
C-158 — Summary of the First Four Chapters in Science and Health: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-167 — The Word-chapters: Summary of Chapters I through IV in Science and Health, The Christian Science Textbook: A workshop on text-interpretation
C-168 — Development of the Christian Science Idea from 1866 to 1986, The Christian Science Textbook: A workshop on text-interpretation
C-1A — CH. II, Atonement and Eucharist: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-1AN — CH. V, Animal Magnetism Unmasked: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-1AP — CH. XVI, The Apocalypse: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-1B — CH. X, Science of Being: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-1C — CH. IX, Creation: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-1F — CH. VIII, Footsteps of Truth: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-1G — CH. XV, Genesis: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-1M — CH. III, Marriage: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-1OB — CH. XI, Some Objections Answered: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-1P — CH. XII, Christian Science Practice: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-1PH — CH. VII, Physiology: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-1PR — CH. I, Prayer: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-1R — CH. XIV, Recapitulation: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-1S — CH. VI, Science, Theology, Medicine: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-1 Series — C-1PR through C-1AP: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-1SP — CH. IV, Christian Science versus Spiritualism: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-1T — CH. XIII, Teaching Christian Science: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life
C-2A — CH. II, Atonement and Eucharist: The Christian Science Textbook: A workshop on text-interpretation
C-2AN — CH. V, Animal Magnetism Unmasked: The Christian Science Textbook: A workshop on text-interpretation
C-2M — CH. III, Marriage: The Christian Science Textbook: A workshop on text-interpretation
C-2PR — CH. I, Prayer: The Christian Science Textbook: A workshop on text-interpretation
C-2 Series — C-2PR through C-2AN: The Christian Science Textbook: A workshop on text-interpretation
C-2SP — CH. IV, Christian Science versus Spiritualism: The Christian Science Textbook: A workshop on text-interpretation
C-3 — The 16 Aspects of Oneness in Science and Health
C-3+ Series — C-3 through C-7: The Science of Oneness and the Matrix in Science and Health
C-4 — The Matrix of Science and Health: An overview
C-6 — Exercises in Culturing Consciousness According to the Matrix of Science and Health
C-7 — The Science of Oneness in the Christian Science Textbook
JC-2C Series — JC-2SI &II: Science, Theology, Medicine, Parts I&II
JC-2SI — PART I: Science, Theology, Medicine
JC-2SII — PART II: Science, Theology, Medicine
M-12 — The Structural Method of Science
M-20 — The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook: An overview
M-34 — The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook: The logic of the 16 chapters
M-6 — The Developing Idea of Oneness